Page 98 - 2019-20 CAFR
P. 98

Rogue Community College

       College Services Fund
       Schedule of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance
       (Non‐GAAP Budgetary Basis) ‐ Budget and Actual
       For the year ended June 30, 2020
                                                                                                        Variance ‐
                                                            Budgeted Amounts                             Positive
                                                        Original          Final           Actual        (Negative)
        Tuition and fees                             $   1,668,822    $   1,668,822    $   1,643,797   $   (25,025)
        College support services                          175,707          175,707           58,053        117,654
        Plant operations and maintenance                  189,751          189,751          179,470         10,281
        Contingency                                       100,000           76,768                0         76,768
        Reserved for future expenditures                 4,230,406       4,230,406                0       4,230,406
          Total expenditures                             4,695,864       4,672,632          237,523       4,435,109
          Revenues over (under) expenditures            (3,027,042)     (3,003,810)        1,406,274      4,410,084
       Other financing sources (uses):
        Transfers out                                   (1,194,876)     (1,218,108)      (1,218,109)            (1)
           Revenues and other sources over (under)
           expenditures and other uses                  (4,221,918)     (4,221,918)         188,165       4,410,083
       Fund balance, beginning of year                   4,221,918       4,221,918         4,265,914        43,996
       Fund balance, end of year                     $          0     $          0     $   4,454,079  $   4,454,079

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