Page 100 - 2019-20 CAFR
P. 100

Rogue Community   College

       Entrepreneurial Fund
       Schedule of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance
       (Non­GAAP Budgetary Basis) ­ Budget and Actual
       For the year ended June 30, 2020
                                                                                                        Variance ­
                                                            Budgeted Amounts                             Positive
                                                         Original         Final           Actual        (Negative)
        State sources                                $     99,648     $     99,648     $     95,226   $     (4,422)
        Tuition   and fees                               1,390,092       1,390,092          857,726       (532,366)
        Other revenue sources                             100,000          100,000                0       (100,000)
           Total revenues                                1,589,740       1,589,740          952,952       (636,788)
        Instruction                                      1,242,903       1,242,903          669,070        573,833

        Instructional support                             354,275          334,275          166,849        167,426
        Student services                                  237,670          217,670          143,349         74,321
        Community services                                 20,000           90,256           58,530         31,726

        College support services                          260,096          240,096          228,290         11,806
        Facilities acquisition & construction              20,000            9,744                0          9,744
        Contingency                                       406,618          406,618                0        406,618
          Total expenditures                             2,541,562       2,541,562         1,266,088      1,275,474

           Revenues over (under) expenditures            (951,822)        (951,822)        (313,136)       638,686
       Other financing   sources (uses):
        Transfers in                                      250,000          250,000          250,000              0
        Transfers out                                     (88,504)         (88,504)         (64,353)        24,151
         Total other financing sourcs (uses):             161,496          161,496          185,647         24,151

           Revenues and other sources over (under)

             expenditures and other uses                 (790,326)        (790,326)        (127,489)       662,837
       Fund balance,   beginning of year                  790,326          790,326          801,825         11,499

       Fund balance,   end of year                   $          0     $          0     $    674,336   $    674,336

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