Page 86 - 2019-20 CAFR
P. 86

Rogue Community College

       Schedule of Employer Contributions
       Oregon Public Employees Retirement System (OPERS)
       Last Ten Fiscal Years*

                                                   (b)                                               (b/c)
                                 (a)          Contributions in    (a‐b)            (c)          Contributions
           Reported as          Statutorily   relation to the   Contribution    College's        as a percent
           fiscal year date      required   statutorily required   deficiency    covered          of covered
            of   June 30,*   contribution       contribution     (excess)         payroll**        payroll
              2020          $   2,911,141   $  (2,911,141)    $         0     $  21,530,929          13.52%

              2019          $   2,258,589   $  (2,258,589)    $         0     $  21,332,003          10.59%

              2018          $   2,254,184   $  (2,254,184)    $         0     $  19,794,872          11.39%

              2017          $   1,627,953   $  (1,627,953)    $         0     $  19,296,046           8.44%

              2016          $   1,600,743   $  (1,600,743)    $         0     $  19,521,681           8.20%

              2015          $   1,540,025   $  (1,540,025)    $         0     $  18,622,319           8.27%

        Note:  See the accompanying Notes to Financial Statements for the plan description, funding policy, annual
        OPERS cost, net OPERS obligation, funded status and funding progress.  The College receives an actuarial
        valuation every year.

        The amounts presented for each fiscal year were actuarially determined at December 31 and rolled forward
        to the measurement date.
        * This schedule is presented to illustrate the requirements to show information for 10 years.  However, until
        a full 10‐year trend has been compiled, information is presented only for the years for which the required
        supplementary information is available.

        ** Employer's covered‐employee payroll is equal to the amount reported to PERS during the fiscal year
        presented.  This amount includes adjustments from prior year's covered payroll.

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