Page 3 - Failure.cdr
P. 3

“I am not a philosopher. I don't want                        Depressed? Down?”
       to pollute my life with philosophy. Life
    is a simple thing for an average layman                      “You are working for something with
    like me. It's you, who complicates life and                  dedication, determination and devotion. If
    seeks answers from others. You are                           you are really happy about what you do,

    already conditioned with those definitions                    then why are you worried about the
    of success and failure then approach                         result? You already had the happiness in
    others for solutions. You are confused                       doing what you do, right?”
    and complicated yourself.”
                                                                 “I didn't understand...”
    “Uday, but everybody will have aim or

    goal in life - a wish to be something or                     “Is it easy to cross that MG Road? Can
    somebody.”                                                   you explain why?”
                                                                 “Yeah, it is very tough. Nobody follows
    “Yes, people can have goals and wishes.                      any traffic rules. You have to be very
    But it depends upon person to person. A
    starving person will wish for one time                       careful and cautious. You need lot of luck

    food. An over-weight person will wish to                     to reach the other side. Anything can
    avoid at least one time food. There is no                    happen to you due to loose drivers or un-
                                                                 checked vehicle breaking system or
    permanent or universal wish. What's
    more, it keeps on changing. I have had                       pollution...If you are not very careful, you
    many temporary wishes - for instance, I                      may not even reach the other side.”
    want to drink a tea now. If my wish is not                   “You know that. So you take extra
    met, I take it that it is not met, so what?                  precaution to reach the destination. Your
    Sky won't fall down...”                                      right is confined (restricted) in taking

                                                                 precaution while crossing the road.
                                                                 Reaching the other side is not really in
                                                                 your hand...There are many variables
                                                                 before reaching your goal”

                                                                 “That's true...”

                                                                 “In life also, working towards to
                                                                 something (a wish or aim or destination)
                                                                 is in your hand. You can do it with utmost

                                                                 devotion, determination and dedication.
                                                                 You can take necessary precaution and
                                                                 care. But you can't be assured that you
    “But when you dedicate yourself to a
    goal, you work earnestly for that, live a                    will get or achieve that goal.”
     life for that and then, if it is not met?                     Suddenly he said: “Yes I
        Won't you become dejected?

                       P.G. Better Living
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