Page 4 - Failure.cdr
P. 4
understand...” at the same time, at least for me”
“That means you have the right only for “Can you explain that?”
the karma you do. And you
ABSOLUTELY don't have any right over “I had only one wish in my childhood- I
the result. So, what's the point in wanted to be a writer. I worked towards
worrying about it?” that...”
“Yes - you have a point here. A very valid “But did you make money out of it?”
“This is what I call complicated. My wish
“It's not my point. One of my ancestors was only to be a writer. Making money
told us this point some 5000 years ago. should be treated as another wish. If my
His name was Krishna. His Sanskrit wish was to make money, I would have
verse about this is very popular. It is clearly focused on that particular wish. I
available in Bhagavad Gita. The verse have been a financial and investment
starts with 'Karmanye V-adhikaraste Ma- journalist for the last 20 years. I had first-
Phaleshu Kadachana' .... means your hand access to investment tips before we
adhikara (right) is confined only to the publish it for the public. So, it would have
Karma, not to the result. Result is just an been very easy to make money. But I
outcome of Karma.” didn't invest a single penny. Why? That
was just not my wish.”
No matter how many times you break its
threads, a spider will weave its web again “But you had got name and fame from
and again. Its focus is weaving cobweb, being a writer.”
its Karma. It doesn't evaluate if it is
successful or has failed in its Karma. We “I don't know. If somebody knows me, it is
just a by-product of the karma. When you
have to take a cue from the spider, I told
him: “Get up and work. Again and again. say, you want to be a famous writer, there
The existence has at least provided you are two wishes. Hence it lacks focus.
with healthy body. Now, don't pollute your Here again, if I wanted name or fame, I
would have chosen another path. I could
mind with ridiculous thought of failure.”
have done it, given my years of
This reader had revealed to me about his experience in the international markets?
aim - it appeared very complicated and But I didn't complicate my wish. I am
he was confused about it. His aim was clear and to the point. Tomorrow, if I
not simple and clear. So I said: "You don't develop any other wish, I will leave this
have clarity. You are complicating your one, and go for it.”
wishes. You have multiple wishes
combined in to one. It is difficult to “Hmm. It is clear now. I was not very
dedicate and devote to multiple karma sure...But what about the fear can we overcome fear?”
P.G. Better Living