Page 5 - Failure.cdr
P. 5

“Fear ONLY comes from ego.                                  about something nobody knows...”
       Everyone has ego. So fear is a
    normal thing.”                                               He closed his eyes for some time. And
                                                                 said: “Hmm. Good to hear. But not a
    “How did you overcome your fear?”                            practical thing - I am still feeling fearful,
    “Who said I had overcome? I still have
    many temporary fears...”                                     “You are identifying with yourself. This

                                                                 identity or manifestation is known as ego.
    “Uday - I appreciate your honesty. People                    It makes you think about yourself only. So
    won't admit it. I meant to ask, how did                      stop identifying with the manifestation.”
    you manage your fear?”

                                                                 “How to stop identifying with myself?”
    “Ah, that's a good question. When I feel
    fearful I think about the real life...”

    “What's that?”

    “Simple. I said I see my life as an
    experience. It is an experience happens

    between the date of birth (DOB) and date
    of death (DOD). It has to be experienced
    rather than interpreting, analyzing and
    judging with our conditioned mind. So I
    don't complicate my life with philosophy.
    The problem starts when you complicate
    your life based on wrong inputs provided
    by somebody.”                                                “Go to a beach. Look at the waves in the
                                                                 ocean. A water drop in the wave can pop

    “So you are not worried about death or                       up for a second before falling back to the
    what will happen after that?”                                ocean. This water drop is the “I”. It has a
                                                                 life-expectancy of a split of a second.
    "I don't even know my DOD. I will never                      Probably, 80 milliseconds. The water
    know. So what's the point in worrying?                       drop gives itself a name and feel that “I
    Nobody knows what happens after death.                       am Mr. Waterdrop” - that is identification.
    We only have bed time stories, wishful                       That's ego. The identification lasts till it
    thinking and fallacies (in the name of                       gets dissolved into ocean. Similarly, a
    religions and spirituality) about what                       human being (after identification of
    happens after death. Nothing is proved.                      approx. 80 years) will dissolve into the
    So there is no point in worrying about                       cosmos. So, instead of feeling this
    something that we don’t know. Live with                      temporary “I” why can't you realize that
       what you know rather than worrying                          you are the entire cosmos?”

                       P.G. Better Living
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