Page 12 - 2018Student Agenda
P. 12

Library Media Center

The Brooke Point High School Library Media Center exists to serve the
information and media production needs of the Brooke Point community and
welcomes any and all opportunities to do so. The Library Media Center will be
open from 7:15 a.m. until 3:00 p.m. on school days. Special arrangements can
be made, on a case by case basis, if additional time is needed to do classwork
after school. Please come visit our fabulous collaborative facilities.

    Students may use the library before school before and after school without
       a pass.

    Students may use the library during lunch by obtaining a pass from the
       Attendance Office.

    All students entering the library from a class must have a pass from their
       classroom teacher.

    All students entering the library must sign in at the registration desk.
    Students must have a school or picture ID to check out books.
The number of computer terminals in the library is limited; therefore, priority for

their use is reserved for classroom instruction. Students visiting the library are

NOT guaranteed access to a computer terminal. Students must abide by the

Acceptable Use Agreement for computer usage. Computers/printers are also

available for student use in both common areas.


Lockers are on loan to the student and are considered school property. As
school property, lockers may be opened by the school administration at any time.
Brooke Point High School will not be held liable for lost or stolen personal
belongings. Books, instructional materials and personal clothing are the only
items to be secured in the lockers. Valuable personal property should NOT be
brought to school. Lockers are not mass assigned. If a student would like a
locker, they need to see their Assistant Principle for a locker number and

Scheduling Change Requests – Course Drops

Student schedules will be mailed home prior to the first day of school. We cannot
honor specific teacher requests; such requests skew the balance of classes and
teacher workloads, which are set by state regulations. Level changes will be
considered with a parent request and teacher recommendation. Students must
see their counselors to determine potential outcomes should they drop a course
(i.e., effect on grade-point average and/or diploma status).

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