P. 105
Both the RIS and RI-Yogya governments had re-
quested the DPR not to use its amendment rights
so that the Unitary State could be formed imme-
On August 15, 1950, the diately and its government could begin efforts to
government ratified and overcome various kinds of domestic difficulties
faced by the two governments (RIS and RI) at
officially announced that time.
in the State Gazette From this agreement, on August 15, 1950, the
(State Gazette No. 56 government ratified and officially announced in
of 1950), RIS Law No. the State Gazette (State Gazette No. 56 of 1950),
RIS Law No. 7 of 1950 concerning the amendment
7 of 1950 concerning of the Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia
the amendment of the to the Provisional Constitution of the Republic of
Indonesia. On the same day, a solemn ceremony
Constitution of the was held at the last joint meeting of the RIS DPR-
Republic of Indonesia Senate.
to the Provisional Then, President Soekarno read out the “Charter
Constitution of the of Statements on the Establishment of the Uni-
Republic of Indonesia. tary State of the Republic of Indonesia”, which
contained, among other things:
“We hereby notify the joint meeting of the Peo-
ple’s Representative Council and the Senate of
the United States of Indonesia that the proposed
law to amend the Provisional Constitution of the
Republic of the United States of Indonesia into the Provisional Constitu-
tion of the Republic of Indonesia, drawn up by the government with the
approval of the state governments of the Republic of the United States of
Indonesia, was well received by the People’s Representative Council and
the Senate of the United States of Indonesia at their meetings on August
14, 1950.
On this day, August 15, 1950, the text of the law was signed by us and
by the Prime Minister and the Minister of Justice of the Republic of the
United States of Indonesia and announced by the Minister of Justice.
Based on the proclamation of Indonesian Independence dated August 17,
1945, on behalf of the people, at the current level of the struggle for inde-
pendence, we declare as a domestic change the formation of the Unitary
State of the Republic of Indonesia, the homeland of all Indonesians.”