P. 109

           IN INDONESIA

                                                           Although in the early days of Liberal Democra-
                                                           cy  the  DPR  was  temporary  as  members  were
                                                           not  selected  through  an  official  election,  it  still
          In a government                                  served its function. As stated in Article 89 of the

          that implements                                  1950 Constitution, the DPRS and the government
                                                           exercised legislative powers. The DPRS acted as
          a parliamentary                                  a law-making body and could exercise the right

          democracy system, the                            of initiative (proposing a law to the government),
                                                           while the government could submit a proposed
          DPRS can overthrow                               bill to the DPRS.

          the cabinet if it sees                           DPRS’  other  duties  were  mentioned  in  several
          that the government                              articles, including:

          has taken actions                                  1.  Article  113-116  UUDS  1950:  DPRS  has  the

          without the approval                                 right to determine the state budget. The pro-
                                                               posed state budget is issued by the govern-
          of the DPRS (Article 83                              ment and must be approved by the DPRS.
          paragraph 2 of the 1950                            2. Article 83 paragraph 2 of the 1950 Constitu-

          Constitution).                                       tion: DPRS has the right and obligation to su-
                                                               pervise actions taken by the government. In
                                                               other words, the government cannot take ac-
                                                               tion without the approval of the DPRS. If the
                                                               government takes action without the support
                                                               of  the  DPRS,  then  the  DPRS  can  force  the
                                                               cabinet to resign.

                                      In addition to the tasks mentioned above, the DPRS also had four rights
                                      over the government, such as:

                                        1.  The first right, as contained in Article 91 of the 1950 Constitution, was
                                          the right of amendment. The DPRS had the right to make changes in
                                          the proposed law submitted by the government to the DPRS.

                                        2. The next right was the right of interpellation and the right to ask
                                          questions as regulated in Article 69 of the 1950 Constitution. This
                                          right allowed the DPR to question the cabinet on implemented poli-

                                        3. The third right, as stated in Article 70 of the 1950 Constitution, was
                                          the right of inquiry. DPRS could investigate the policies implemented
                                          by the government.

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