P. 226

                                                                                     STRENGTHENING THE ROLE OF THE STATE (1967-1998)

                  Responding  to  the  decision  regarding  the  election,  Soeharto’s  group
                  came up with the following strategy:
                    1.  Forming  a  new  political  grouping  for  the  DPR  consisting  of  non-
                      party politicians who were tied to the Gov-
                      ernment’s development program. Finally, the
                      urgent need to have a representative group
                      in  the  DPR  and  an  election  machine  (both
                      needed  in  carrying  out  the  constitutional
                      strategy) led the New Order leaders to use         On 5 January 1973, the
                      the  Golkar  Secretariat  and  put  their  own     United Development
                      people in leadership positions for the organi-     Group with Islamic
                      zation. The decision to enter the Joint Secre-
                      tariat of Functional Groups was facilitated by     aspirations became the
                      the agreement reached with political parties       United Development
                      about the postponement of the general elec-
                      tion until 1971.                                   Party (PPP), while

                    2. Encourage the creation of some kind of rep-       on 10 January 1973,
                      resentation of corporate interests. The main       the Development
                      purpose of corporatization was to control the
                      representation  of  interest  groups  in  such  a   Democracy Group
                      way as to prevent social conflict or threaten      became the Indonesian
                      government  power.  In  addition,  to  comple-
                      ment  the  Government’s  strategy  in  control-    Democratic Party (PDI).
                      ling  the  bureaucracy  and  eliminating  the
                      influence of political parties in it, the main tar-
                      get of corporatization during the New Order
                      was associations representing civil servants.

                    3. Simplifying political parties through grouping. The final strategy was
                      the control of political parties in Indonesia. The first step towards
                      simplification  of  political  parties  with  Decree  no.  22/1966  on  the
                      rearrangement of the political structure. On 27 February 1970, Soe-
                      harto met with party leaders to discuss the Government’s plan to
                      reduce the number of parties by dividing them into two groups. The
                      meeting resulted in the formation of two coalition groups in the DPR
                      in March 1970:

                      a. The Development Democracy Group, consisting of the PNI, IPKI,
                        Murba, Partindo, and the Catholic Party.

                      b. The United Development Group, consisting of NU, Parmusi, PSII,
                        and Perti.

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