P. 231

           IN INDONESIA

                                                           Ismail Sunny, a University of Indonesia’s lecturer
                                                           and  expert  on  constitutional  law,  was  arrested
          The New Order                                    for being vocal in supporting the student protest
                                                           movement. A number of retired military figures
          Government’s strong                              were also warned because they were critical of

          response towards its                             and considered anti-Suharto. For example, Gen-
                                                           eral (Ret.) A.H. Nasution, Ali Sadikin, H.R. Dharso-
          critics made the life of                         no, and Kemal Idris. In addition to arresting these

          democracy in Indonesia                           figures, the Government had also banned mass
                                                           media (newspapers) which were considered un-
          highly dependent on the                          balanced in broadcasting student activities.

          Government, in this case                         After that series of events, at the Meeting of the
          the President. The 1982                          Armed  Forces  of  the  Republic  of  Indonesia  in

          general election took                            Pekanbaru, Riau, 27 March 1980, President Soe-
                                                           harto as the Supreme Commander of ABRI gave
          place without too much                           a speech and alluded to the single principle of

          tension.                                         Pancasila. According to him, in the past Pancas-
                                                           ila was undermined by other ideologies and po-
                                                           litical parties. “I’m asking ABRI to support Golkar
                                                           in the general election,” Suharto said during an
                                                           unscripted speech.

                                      Three weeks later, at the Kopassandha Headquarters (now Kopassus, or
                                      the Special Forces Command), Cijantung, 16 April 1980, President Soe-
                                      harto reiterated his statement. “It’s better for us to kidnap one of the two-
                                      thirds of the MPR members who are going to amend the 1945 Consti-
                                      tution, so there won’t be a quorum.” He also stated that criticizing him
                                      meant criticizing Pancasila.

                                      Soeharto’s two statements made a number of military and political fig-
                                      ures anxious. They then gathered at the Grahadi Building in the Semang-
                                      gi area on 5 May 1980. They later concluded that Soeharto needed to
                                      provide an explanation for his two statements. The statement of concern
                                      for the figures was signed by 50 people. Later the name of this statement
                                      was referred to by the government as Petition 50.

                                      The letter infuriated Soeharto for mentioning the change of national lead-
                                      ership. The Government then pressured the signatories of the letter with
                                      various measures, from banning them to complicating their social lives.

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