P. 271

           IN INDONESIA

                                      This, for example, was carried out at the suggestion of the appointment
                                      of public officials, namely the TNI Commander, Head of the State Intelli-
                                      gence Agency, members of the Film Censorship Institute (LSF), Supreme
                                      Court Justices, leaders of the Corruption Eradication Commission, and
                                      the National Police Chief. The DPR through the commission had also
                                      given consideration to the nomination of the extraordinary and plenipo-
                                      tentiary ambassadors of 29 (twenty nine) countries to the Republic of

                                      No less important in carrying out its legislative function, since the begin-
                                      ning of its inauguration, the 2014-2019 DPR-RI had prepared itself if the
                                      DPR’s activities in making laws were brought to justice in the Constitu-
                                      tional Court. In the 2014-2015 session year, for example, the cases de-
                                      cided by the Constitutional Court amounted to 32 cases, including cases
                                      that were rejected, could not be accepted, or were granted.

                                      The Council had a view that the handling of cases in the judiciary, particu-
                                      larly in the handling of judicial review cases at the Constitutional Court,
                                      was a logical consequence of the position of the DPR, in its position as a
                                      people’s representative council which constitutionally had legislative pow-
                                      er. This was a kind of response or clarifying objections to the legislative
                                      products of the DPR together with the President that were proposed by
                                      the public. The handling of cases at the Constitutional Court for the DPR
                                      was a continuous effort to strengthen democratic values   n Indonesia.
                                      Another dynamic that occurred in the 2014-219 DPR was the change in
                                      the Speaker of the DPR RI. This was the period with the highest number
                                      of changes of the DPR Speaker ever. During this period, there were three
                                      changes to the Speaker of the DPR. The replacement of the Speaker of
                                      the House of Representatives occurred due to several things.

                                      As  previously  mentioned,  after  passing  the  period  of  appointment  of
                                      DPR members for the 2014-2019 period, an election for the Speaker of
                                      the DPR was held through a package mechanism. This meant that the
                                      speaker and his four deputies were proposed.

                                      On this occasion, Setya Novanto from the Golkar faction succeeded in
                                      becoming the Speaker of the DPR for the 2014-2019 period. He was sup-
                                      ported by factions who were members of the Red and White Coalition.

                                      The  election  process  for  the  2014-2019  DPR  leadership  was  different
                                      from the previous period. In the previous period, the five factions that

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