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           IN INDONESIA

                                                           in the 2009 election compared to the 2004 rep-
                                                           resentation of all political parties participating in
                                                           the  election.  Membership  in  the  DPR  was  also
           “On 30 August 2012,                             varied  by  the  increasing  number  of  voices  and

           the Plenary Session                             aspirations from women.

           of the DPR enacted                              At the end of 2010, public discourse was enliv-
           Law Number 13 of                                ened by the preparation of the Bill on the Privi-

           2012 concerning the                             leges of the Special Region of Yogyakarta (DIY).
                                                           The most crucial issue in this bill was whether a
           Privileges of DIY.                              Sultan Hamengku Buwono (Sultan of Yogyakar-

           The law ultimately                              ta)  automatically  became  the  Governor  of  DIY
                                                           or whether the Governor of DIY must be directly
           regulated the position                          elected through regional head elections (pilkada)
           of Sultan Hamengku                              as in other provinces.

           Buwono and Paku                                 The appointment of Sultan Hamengku Buwono

           Alam as Governor and                            and  Paku  Alam  to  automatically  become  Gov-
                                                           ernors and Deputy Governors of DIY was then
           Deputy Governor of                              deemed not in accordance with democratic prin-

           DIY.”                                           ciples. Article 18 paragraph 4 of the 1945 Consti-
                                                           tution of the Republic of Indonesia as a result of
                                                           the 4th amendment in 2002 clearly stated that:
                                                           “The  governors,  regents,  and  mayors  of  each
                                                           province, as heads of provinces, regencies, and
                                                           cities, are elected democratically.”

                                      The words “democratic” were then interpreted to mean that the position
                                      of Sultan Hamengku Buwono and Paku Alam as heirs of the monarchy
                                      in Yogyakarta could not automatically become the pairing of the Gover-
                                      nor and Deputy Governor of Yogyakarta. Because, it was considered to
                                      violate the principles of democracy. Because of this, the DIY Privileges
                                      Bill then offered the idea of   a direct regional head election to elect the
                                      Governor and Deputy Governor of DIY.

                                      Two years later, on 30 August 2012, the Plenary Session of the DPR en-
                                      acted Law Number 13 of 2012 concerning the Privileges of DIY. The law
                                      ultimately regulated the position of Sultan Hamengku Buwono and Paku
                                      Alam as Governor and Deputy Governor of DIY.

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