P. 302

To give you an example, let us discuss about climate change. As we race to be the top economies,
                                          we often overlook the fact that massive development and high economic growth often depleting
                                          our natural resources. We need ways to balance the economic growth while at the same time
                                          sustainably manage the environment.

                                          I am grateful that the world has work together to counter and adapt with the climate change. In
                                          an effort to do so, Parliament of Eurasian Countries should also work together to garner political
                                          support in scaling up actions to combat the adverse impact of climate change. Indonesia has
                                          ratified the Paris Agreement and commit to enhance efforts through climate change related
                                          legislation, budget allocation for climate actions and Nationally Determined Contributions
                                          (NDC) monitoring. The  Indonesian House  urges countries who have not done  so  to ratify
                                          the  Paris  Agreement and set a proper balance to integrate the three  pillars of sustainable
                                          development into SDGs national policies.

                                          SDGs are a world pledge with national and sub-national actions to implement them. Yet, we
                                          realize that despite many countries differ in their challenges, we have the same goal to set
                                          actions for our people, planet, and prosperity. It is therefore, international cooperation among
                                          countries are inevitable as a means to garner more support for the SDGs.

                                          Indonesia emphasizes the need to engage more parliaments in the work of SDGs. By generating
                                          interparliamentary cooperation, we will have more supports, inspiration, lesson-learned and
                                          stories to tell, about the successful parliamentary work on SDGs.

                                          In this connection, I wish to refer to the outcome document of the 2  World Parliamentary
                                          Forum on Sustainable Development (WPSD)—an interparliamentary platform focusing solely
                                          on sustainable development issues—held in Bali, last September: The Bali Commitments, which
                                          outlined the specific roles parliament could take in advancing the SDGs implementation. To
                                          conclude, I wish through this meeting we can pave our way to work towards Bali Commitments
                                          and call upon Eurasian Parliaments to fully embrace a proper balance between the three pillars
                                          of sustainable development.

                                               Selected Speeches of the Vice Speaker of the House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia  I 289
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