P. 307
Corruption may fuel to conflict and instability at least in three ways. First, corruption can
undermine a sense of inequality and injustice, as corruption distorts government decisions and
threaten the provision of public services such as education and healthcare. These grievances can
be mobilized and creates social and political instability. Second, the rents seeking opportunities
that caused by corruption may provide incentives for violent conflict. Those who excluded
from power use violence to seek access and control over these opportunities. Third, corruption
weakens the ability of the state to provide security. Corruption may also diminish state
legitimacy as the government fails to fulfil citizens’ expectations, and increasing willingness to
violently challenge the government.
As the elected representatives of their people, Parliamentarians have a crucial role in combating
corruption and promoting peace. Parliamentarians are valuable partners in ensuring
accountable, inclusive, participatory and transparent political process. Concerning those pivotal
roles, GOPAC believes that Parliaments must continue to be strategically empowered, actively
engaged, and sufficiently equipped to achieve a sustainable peace for the international society.
I would like to emphasize another approach that can significantly help parliamentarians in
their mission to fight corruption and promote peace, which is building coalition trough inter-
parliamentary networks. As the only international network of parliamentarians dedicated to
combat corruption, strengthen good government and uphold the rule of law, I believe GOPAC
could be a great platform to address those issues.
Currently, we have 5 Regional Chapters and 62 National Chapters across the globe, with more
than 1.000 members who are current or former legislators, or legislators who have been denied
their right to take office. Additionally, we have five Global Task Forces which are focused on
specific issues, such as: i) Anti-Money Loundering; ii) UN Convention against Corruption;
iii) Parliamentary Oversight; iv) Parliamentary Ethics and Conducts; and v) Participation of
Society. Through this network, we continously support parliamentarians in strengthening their
institutions in order to achieve sustainable peace.
As a final message, I would like to reiterate that eradicating corruption is essential in promoting
peace and societal development. In doing so, a more collaborative action and strategic
partnership among parliamentarians are imperatives. Let us work to help break the culture of
corruption, and help ensure that the sustainable peace will benefit all people.
To conclude this speech, allow me to invite you to join us in the anti-corruption global movement.
I truly believe that parliamentarians are surely able to accelerate this process and be the game-
changer in maintaining peace and stability.
I hope this forum is a huge success, and will support us to take positive steps towards sustainable
peace for all.
294 I Selected Speeches of the Vice Speaker of the House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia