P. 306
Parliamentary Leadership in
Promoting Peace and Development
in the Age of Innovation and
Technological Change
First of all, on behalf of the Global Organization of Parliamentarians against Corruption (GOPAC),
allow me to extend my gratitude to this forum.
I am pleased and honored to be here in the 139 Inter-Parliamentary Union Assembly today.
Thank you for having me on this important discussion, and giving me the opportunity to talk
about the parliamentary partnership in promoting peace and development through an anti-
corruption global movement.
It has been massively discussed and widely recognized that corruption has a detrimental
impact on economic growth and development. However, it is worth to note that corruption
has also been increasingly acknowledged as a major threat to peace and stability in many
ways. Therefore, Parliamentarians have put these two agendas simultaneously – eradicating
corruption and promoting peace – as priority.
The correlation between corruption, conflict, and peace has been revealed academically by
many studies. A study from the World Bank in 2011, suggested that corruption has detrimental
impacts on the risk of violence. Almost all countries that are classified as highly corrupt also have
weak political, administrative, and economic institutions. Weak state institutions, however, are
often a consequence of civil conflict. And conflict may create an environment where corruption
is rampant.
A study from Institute for Economic and Peace in 2015 has also revealed that the level of
corruption will determine the peace condition in a country. For instance, a high number of
corruption in judicial and law enforcement agency will increase political instability and lead to
the collapse of those institutions, which were designed to prevent violence and conflict.
Selected Speeches of the Vice Speaker of the House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia I 293