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aspirations and needs of all segments of society are taken into account as modality to exercise
sustain peace and development program. Legislative and oversight power of parliament
can be channeled for voicing national priorities and strategies to the government, calling for
more accountable governments works and enabling budget in order to advance sustainable
development programs coherent with sustaining peace agenda. Together with government,
parliament could sponsoring active dialogue among various community members to deliver
tolerance; creating free and fair elections, judiciary, and media; as well as encouraging more
efforts in supporting national reconciliation and transitional justice. To maintain the principle
of inclusion, parliament could conducting stronger engagement with government to promote
gender equality by ensuring women’s meaningful participation at all stages of sustaining peace
agenda, promoting women’s role in advancing culture of peace and protection of children, and
encouraging national budget to be more responsive.
Strong parliamentarians’ collaboration could indeed contribute to enhance national legislation
framework to fully implement international commitment on peace and security. Among others
are by exchanging best practices, challenges and achievements. Furthermore, by formulating
legislation that will support our common endeavor to maintain international peace and security.
There are several key points that I would like for us to consider in the future in developing
parliamentarism on the issue of peace and security.
Dr. Fadli Zon and
the Chairman of Liberal
Democratic Party of
Russia Federation,
Mr. Vladimir
Zhirinovsky at
Development of
Forum, Moscow,
350 I Selected Speeches of the Vice Speaker of the House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia