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In the 2014 General Election, Fadli Zon, co-founder the Great  Indonesia Movement Party
                                          (Gerindra), won election to the Indonesian House of Representative as a member of parliament
                                          from Bogor Regency constituency. He is then selected as the Vice Speaker of the House for 2014-
                                          2019 period.

                                          Besides his activities in the parliament, he is also the Vice Chairman of Gerindra Party Central
                                          Board for the 2008-2020 period, the President of the Global Organization of Parliamentarians
                                          Against Corruption (GOPAC) for the 2015-2017 period, the Chairman of the Indonesian Farmers
                                          Association (HKTI) for the 2015-2020 period and the Editorial board of HORISON, a Literature
                                          Magazine, since 1993. Chairperson of the Minang Family Association (IKM) for 2017-2022, the
                                          Chairperson of the Indonesian Philatelist Association (PFI), the Chairperson Indonesian Keris
                                          National Secretariat (SNKI) for 2016-2021.

                                          Fadli zon has authored a number of books, among others, are Gerakan Etnonasionalis: Bubarnya
                                          Imperium  Uni  Soviet  (Etno-nationalist Movement:  the Collapse  of  the Soviet  Union)  (Sinar
                                          Harapan, 2002); the IMF Game: The Role of the IMF in Bringing Down the Soeharto Regime (IPS,
                                          2004); Politik Huru Hara Mei 1998 (the Politics of May 1998 Riots) (Soltice, 2004); Mimpi-Mimpi
                                          yang Ku Pelihara (Dreams I Keep) (Horison, 2010); Hari Terakhir Kartosoewirjo. 81 Foto Eksekusi
                                          Imam DI/TII (the Last Day of Kartosoewirjo. 81 Pictures of the DI/TII Islamic Leader) (FZL,
                                          2012); Idris Sardi, Perjalanan Maestro Biola Indonesia (Idris Sardi, The Journey of Indonesian Violin
                                          Maestro) (FZL, 2013); Dreams I Keep (FZL, 2013); Air Mata Buaya. Kumpulan Puisi (Crocodile
                                          Tears. A Poetry Anthology) (FZL, 2015); Keris Minangkabau (Minangkabau Kris) (FZL, 2016);
                                          Pangan dan Pertanian di Era Neoliberal (Food and Agriculture in the Neoliberal Era) (FZL, 2016);
                                          Menyusuri  Lorong  Waktu (FZL, 2016);  Pemikiran  Ekonomi  Kerakyatan  Mohammad  Hatta:  Jalan
                                          Politik Kemakmuran Indonesia (Mohammad Hatta’s Thought on People’s Economy: the Road to
                                          Indonesian Prosperity Politics) (FZL, 2016), Orkes Gumarang: Kisah Syaiful Nawas (FZL, 2017),
                                          Soul, Yoes Rizal (FZL, 2017), Kumpulan Puisi Memeluk Waktu (FZL, 2017), Berpihak Pada Rakyat
                                          (Standing by the People) (2018), Passing Through the Hall of Time  (FZL, 2018), Lombok Keris
                                          (FZL, 2018), Passing Through the Hall of Time Kujang (FZL, 2018), Asmujiono Pengibar Bendera
                                          Merah Putih di Puncak Everest (The Indonesian Flag Raisers on the Top of Mount Everest) (FZL,
                                          2018). He was also an editor of around 10 books and wrote for several anthologies, journals and
                                          national mass media.


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