P. 364
Dr. Fadli Zon First, national legislation should be built on the culture of peace. It should contribute to build,
attended Closing cultivate and nurture peace itself.
Session of Second
International Forum Second, there must an emphasis on national legislation that can promote effective
"Development of implementation of SDGs, equitable distribution of development, and narrowing development
Parliamentarism". gaps among region.
President of Russian
Federation Vladimir Third, there should be national legislation that can facilitate effective implementation of various
Putin presented to international commitments on peace and security, in line with national priorities and legislative
deliver a closing framework. Indonesia in this regard already has various national legislations, including
remarks. ratification of international conventions, and in the process of formulating a UN Act legislative
In closing, I must emphasize that our inter-parliamentary cooperation has the opportunity
to act as catalyst of peace and to mitigate security threats. For that, we should empower
our dialogue within this Forum to strengthening parliamentary diplomacy as an important
means of maintaining peace and security, fostering stability and dynamism for growth, as
well as achieving sustainable development and prosperity. I certainly believe in the merit of
our engagement in this Forum as a platform to seek common perception on security issues of
collective concern.
Selected Speeches of the Vice Speaker of the House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia I 351