Page 211 - March On! God will Provide by Brother Aubert
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Father Brunner, Abbot Placidus, and Prior Peter of the Trap-
pists, cf., 'American Province C. PP. S." by Rev. paul
Knapke, C.PP.S.
6. (Chapter 6) "Revered as a paroness of the American
missions, she threw her home open to the missionaries.
The 120-year-o1d Parmentier residence at 342 Bridge Sreet is
now part of the convent of the Sisters of St. Cf. Cen-
tennial Supplement of the Brooklyn Tablet.
7. (Chapter 6) Mother M. Josephine (Catherine Kelly) was
one oJ seven young women from Baltimore, Md., who pre-
sented themselves in l82l to Father Nerinckx as candidites
for the Loretto Sisterhood. She was Superior General from
1832 to 1838.
8. (Chapter 7) In spite of his exhausting years on the mis-
sion, Father Young lived until 1878, dying ar the age of eighty-
five, oldest priest in the United States. As the co-a,posrie
of Ohio, he takes a place'beside his uncle, Bishop Edward Fen-
wick, whom he succeeded as Provincial of the Dominicans.
9. (Chapter 7) "I must tell you abour an individual who
has passed nearly two months in our houses in America and
who, notwithstanding the recommendations of Father Van de
Kerckhove, gives us serious concern about his purposes and
intentions. . , . This man is one Ryken by name. . . , He has
never impressed me. . . , He is visiting alt the bishops, promis-
ing them mountains of gold if they approve his plin. . . It
was a real reat for us when he left."-Rev, p. J. De Smet, SJ.,
to Rev. Francis Deynoodt, S.J., in Belgium. CourteJy:
Rev.Robert Mortier, S.J., frorn the files at the Belgian (Jesuii)
Provincialate. Translation by Brother Tillo, C.F.X., Belgium.
10. (Chapter 13) According to rhe treasurer's report for
1854, the journey to Louisville was financed by a loan of 2,000
francs to supplement the 5,000 francs, gifts received for
this end by Rev. Van Beek." In 1854 Father Van Beek was
living in retiremenr at "Het Walletje,,, the guest of the