Page 87 - March On! God will Provide by Brother Aubert
P. 87
This is to notify you rhar I am sending the rwo
Brothers about whom I corresponded previously.
One of them, Francis Dondorfi comes frorn Aix-
la-Chapelle; the other, Leopold Seghers, from the
suburbs of Bruges.
I sug-gest that you decide whether they are cap-
able of following the course with some hope of
Your' decision will serve at the same time as a
criterion whether they will be useful to our Con-
gregation devoted primarily to the instruction of
Concerning the latter of the two, I am instructed.
by the-people paying his way to allow you to judge
after three months what steps to take in his regard.
So I would appreciate it very much if after-that
timc, you would write me a note on this subject
giving me your opinion. At the same time you can
inform me about Dondorff. Your report wili govern
my future decision.
Hoping for excellent reports,
Your devoted servant,
T. J. Ryken
- \the1 January,- 1844, rolled around, Brother Ryken
had__only eight of his twelve apostles living with'him
at "ffet Walletje." Tomballe and Van den Boorn, now
Brothers Alphonse and Dominic, had ,been with Father
Van Beek since the previous September, while Seghers
and Dondorfi had recently enroll-d in the normal sJhool
at St. Trond.
Financially the conditions in Flanders were still bad,
and unemployment was rhe accepted fact. But Ryken