Page 89 - March On! God will Provide by Brother Aubert
P. 89
68 cLorHED IN HABrr
to our Bishop, and we have concluded that you must
wait until next summer when I hope to he able to send
you two and perhaps three Brothers. To send postulants
to America is not permitted, even to us, before we are
It was five years since that June fifth in 1839 when
Mr. Ryken had undertaken this foundation all alone
at No. 20 Ezelstraat. Brother John pays a warrn tribute
to the Ryken of those trying days, the first five years.
"In the midst of poverty, many difficulties, and severe
trials, he never lost his trust in Divine Providence. Some-
times he walked up and down in his room, praying that
God would send him help in his distress, and many times
it happened that when he went into the city of Bruges
he met persons to whom he revealed his distress, who
then and there assisted him liberally. Ryken's faith was
simple, his confidence fitm, his prayers fervent, his cour-
age undaunte4 his zeal for souls extraordinary his
patience persevering. The great efiort of Mr. Ryken
was ever to cultivate this spirit in the minds and hearts
of those who joined the community. His words were
like so many flames of fire which enkindled the hearts
of those who heard him."