Page 97 - March On! God will Provide by Brother Aubert
P. 97

76              RYKEN KEEPS  TRYING
       possession  of "FIet Waletje" on a day-to-day  basis. Felix
       Dujardin  could not bring himself to order a forced  sale.
         On  January  5, 1846,  Cornelia Ryken died suddenly  at
       Tilburg, Holland. "In less than an hour," Brother
       Ryken informed  the Abbess of the Collettines in Bruges,
       "she passed  from iife to death. Being  unconscious,  she
       received  only absolution  and extreme  unction. As long
       as she was able to speak, she called on the names  of
       Jesus  and Mary. On New Year's Day she had been to
       communion. Be good enough to recommend  her to the
       prayers of the community."
         On his return trip from Tilburg, the Founder  stopped
       at St. Trond to visit at the normal school. Here there
       was a letter waiting for him from Brother Alphonse
       Tomballe,  the vicar at "FIet Walletje" during his
         Brother Alphonse  was writing  as per the orders he had
       received  on the Founder's hurried departure  from Bruges
       for Tilburg: "I have absolutely nothing to report. All
       goes well at the house. We continue to pray, to apply
       the plenary  indulgences gained at Holy Communion and
       by the Stations of the Cross for the repose of the soul of
       your late sister as you directed."
         Presently Brother  Ryken was back in Bruges  and once
       again immersed in his multitudinous  activities.  One of
       the first letters he wrote was a very detailed inquiry
       concerning  the giving of marks or grades for school
       work. He must have heard something about this mys-
       terious art from the trvo Brothers at the normal school,
       but he was not completely satisfied with their explana-
       tion, so he sought expert advice. He addressed  his in-
       quiry to a schoolmaster friend who had years of expe-
       rience. From references in the letter to "monitors"  it
       is apparent that the Xaverians  had adopted the Lancas-
       trian System  or some modification  of it.
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