Page 102 - March On! God will Provide by Brother Aubert
P. 102
situation was improving. He decided the time had come
to seek candidates. On May 26, 1946, he wrote to the
Rev. Mother in charge of the Catholic Orphanage in
Rotterdam, Holland, that he would appreciite it i"f she
would arange anorher with 'ttre three young
men she had recommended to him in the previous yearl
Januarn 1845, he had talked with these men and
had advised them to remain where they were and to
rvait patiently for better times.
"We have a pressing need," he told the Rev.
Mother, "for members with a solid vocation. That
is why Iprq y-ou- for informarion on the three pos-
tulants, for if their vocation app€ars good and tfieir
intellectual equipment sufficieii, I wjuld be able to
admit them if there is no impediment.',
The same letter conrained the news that Ryken still
hoped ro send Brothers to America in 1g47. fhis it.*
was of interest to Mother Superior.
These nuns, who had alieady spread ro the Dutch
West Indies, had ambitions to g'et ;o America and they
had asked Brother Ryken to 5e on the alert for any
opportunity. For this reason he had offered their serv_
ices to teach the girls lvhile his Brothers looked after
the boys in a settlement of Germans in Elk County,
Pennsylvania. He had made this offer in lg45 to the
Provincial of the Redemptorists in Vienna who had
jurisdiction oyer their Belgian found.ation at St. Trond
where Ryken was well knoivn.
The ofier had ,been repeated in lg46 when the pro-
vincial on his return from the United States had paused.
at St. Trond for a few days'rest.
The Provincial had visited rhe colony and what he
yw ha! so depressed him that he was planning to with-
draw the Redemptorists.