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                                                house with several balconies, a big garden
                                                and a hammam (a local version of a sauna).   MONEY MATTERS
                                                The school pays for utilities; we only pay for
                                                our internet.                         Algerian law demands that
                                                                                      payments for foreigners are
                                                Day-to-day life                       a maximum of 70 per cent in
                                                Algerians are extremely helpful and friendly   hard currency. In our company,
                                                people. If you have a smattering of French,   we were given a choice
                                                it is highly appreciated and a handful of   between euros and pounds
                                                words in Arabic will make you friends for life   sterling. We don’t have local
                                                (almost). As very few people speak English, a   bank accounts, so the 70 per
                                                                                      cent has to be transferred to
                                                bit of Arabic really helps with taxi drivers or   accounts abroad, which can
                                                doctors. As a woman, I haven’t run into any   be another somewhat lengthy
                                                problems.                             process. The 30 per cent paid
                                                  The government has recently imposed an   in Algerian dinars is enough to
                                                import ban on hundreds of articles ranging   make living very comfortable.
                                                from tech to medicines to food because they
                                                want to encourage the local economy. This   For a comfortable life, one
                                                poses problems if you need specific stuff (like   would need about 60,000
                                                my cats need their annual vaccinations), but   dinars per month (about £380),
                                                otherwise this has little impact.     but depending on experience
            English, Ielts preparation and also ESP   Being vegetarian is a concept many   and position, teachers can
                                                                                      expect to earn between £1150
            (medical, oil and gas, maritime, legal).   Algerians don’t understand – But you eat   and £2300 per month. This
              Magda Sobczynska, the head of     chicken? Is a question I get quite often.   means somewhere between
            transnational projects for British Study   Having said that, local produce of fruit and   £800 and £1600 going back
            Centres Worldwide, said of setting up British   veg is very good and the traditional bread is   to your bank account in hard
            Study Centres Algeria:              delicious.                            currency every month.
              ‘It was extremely exciting as it was the first   There’s alcohol available in special shops,
            overseas school in                                   select restaurants
            our portfolio and       As very few people           or hotels. Hotels     THREE BOOKS TO
            it was incredibly                                    also offer gym        READ BEFORE COM-
            rewarding to       speak English, a bit of           memberships and       ING TO ALGERIA:
            bring high quality   Arabic really helps. As a       swimming pools.
            English language                                                           n A History of Algeria
                                                                                           by James McDougall
            teaching to the   woman, I haven’t run into          Things to explore
            people of Oran.’      any problems.                  Algeria is a huge     n The Plague
                                                                 country of vast           by Albert Camus
            Paperwork                                            distances. There
            Getting the paperwork to enter the country   are 1,500 km of Mediterranean coastline,   n So Vast the Prison
                                                                                           by Assia Djebar
            and dealing with the red tape locally is   mountain ranges higher than 2000m and of
            easily the most painful part of the job. In my   course the Sahara. You could visit any of the
            school, we are lucky that the management is   10 National Parks or some Unesco World   USEFUL WEBSITES:
            dealing well with these matters.    Heritage Sites including Roman ruins or
              It can be a rather lengthy process to get   petroglyphs that are thousands of years old.   n
            the visa, and then once in Algeria one has   The capital, Algiers, sports some wonderful   algerie/ (in French)
            to submit vast quantities of paperwork to   museums. Each town or region has its own   n
            get a work permit and a residence permit.   festivals and food.            algeria
            Translations of the Celta certificate into
            French are also necessary. In addition to   Travel
            being time-consuming and complicated, the   Because of the enormous distances and the
            whole thing is rather expensive.    general laid-back feel, travel takes time.
              On top of that, there are limits set by   Trains and the ferries to Spain and France   Life here has its challenges, but there are
            the government: an age limit of 60 years   tend to run on time, flights don’t. Car rental   so many positives about living and working
            (Algerian retirement age); and they   is available in certain places, but most people   in Algeria that those pale into insignificance.
            stipulate a minimum of two years of teaching   either have their own car or take a taxi.   The people make everything worthwhile.
            experience before you can work here. So, in   My students tell me they don’t like
            the words of my colleague Sean McGann:   travelling by bus because they’re usually   KRISTINA KLUG
            ‘Not a country for rookies.’        crowded. And the driving style? Writing   is @teacherkristina on
                                                a message while driving, talking to the   twitter and blogs under
            Accommodation                       person in the car next to yours while being   www.spockisworld.
            In our school, we live in shared    on a roundabout or going backwards on a
            accommodation. It’s a spacious six-bedroom   highway is daily normality.


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