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P. 27
... and Artificial Intelligence
outside the classroom
Ron Ragsdale in conversation with Nick Saville
But this requires personalisation, and an This may require a generational change in the
ability to respond effectively to the needs of profession before such technology becomes fully
learners in their own contexts. accepted. Teachers in the next generation will
AI offers a way to do this. We can capture be using technology as a matter of default and
evidence of learning and for learning. This there will be new social mores about how data
becomes data to scaffold learning in authentic and devices are used.
contexts, extending the classroom into the lives
of learners. And the logical conclusion?
Our free programme Write & Improve is an
example of an automated tool incorporating The logical conclusion is that we have to
elements of AI to provide immediate and come to terms with AI, but also keep our core
contextualised personal feedback to improve educational values. It is up to us to utilise this
writing skills. new technology in a way that enhances those
Talking to him, you sense that Nick Saville values and which keeps the teacher at the
is frustrated with the use of technology in This changes, argues Saville, not only the way centre.
education in general and in language teaching we think about assessment but the way we Those of us who are in a position to lead in
and assessment in particular. think about learning… this area have to think about it very carefully.
It’s fundamental that changes are made to
ducation has been resistant to In the current industrial model of education – improve outcomes.
technology. It hasn’t really been used to the factory classroom, as some call it – teachers We should use AI to make things better, and
improve outcomes - often it’s just used struggle to tailor their lessons to individual to address the long-standing problems that
Eto facilitate processes. needs and preferences. But AI-supported we have with the current ways of teaching
Since the 1990s, we have seen a migration learning tools can be adaptive and provide and assessment. But we also know there are
from print to computer, but not transformation constantly tailored feedback. potential risks.
of learning. Interactive whiteboards, for This latest revolution allows machines to What I would like to do is to engage in
example, are often just used as high-tech learn, using large inputs an industry-wide
projector screens. of data. And through we have to come to terms discussion around
Even in high-tech countries like Japan, most the use of devices we ethical uses of AI in
language classrooms still have 40 kids at small can create an with AI, but also to utilise English Language
desks, with a teacher on a podium in front. extended ecosystem this new technology... in a education.
of learning – to We can start by
And as for assessment… connect learning and way that enhances our core raising awareness of
assessment, and also AI to create better
Computer scan sheets dominated as an early use the classroom to the values and which keeps the understandings. We
of technology. These required multiple-choice learner’s experiences in teacher at the centre are not talking about
questions, which didn’t improve assessment, just the real world. “robotic teachers”
made it easier to administer. but it ought to be clear what is happening –
…and the role of the teacher? open up the black box. That means we all have
There has, Saville argues, always been to engage in the debate, and help demystify
resistance to the use of technology, Human intervention is key at all levels, and these things.
particularly in speaking tasks and writing. teachers remain a critical part of this model. Not But in the end, it’s right that we should
surprisingly, teachers are often sceptical about aim for a transformed education system that
We have been thinking about this at technology. So how do we encourage them to provides improved outcomes.
Cambridge: how can we use technology to do embrace this new opportunity?
things differently – and better? We need to The question is – how can we most effectively n Dr Nick Saville has worked for Cambridge
innovate to improve outcomes. combine their teaching skills with the power of Assessment since 1987 and in 2015 became Director
We’re living in “the 4th Industrial the machine? of Research & Thought Leadership. He is Secretary-
Revolution” – everyone is connected by their We have to be prepared to be doing things General of the Association of Language Testers in
devices and data is used to drive improvements differently and to take things on that we weren’t Europe (ALTE, and is on the
in many fields. So, what do we need to do in able to do before. coordinating committee for
language education? Teachers make observations every day about the Institute for Automated
learners, but these are difficult to record and act Language Teaching and
For Saville the goal is very simple upon. It’s more than the human brain can cope Assessment (ALTA). In
with. Too many students, with different personal 2016, with Dr N. Jones,
We should help people learn and give them lives. But machines are good at capturing he published SILT volume
evidence of what they are capable of doing and analysing such observations. Using this 43 on Learning Oriented
– adopting a learning-oriented approach to information helps the teacher choose more Assessment (LOA).
assessment. targeted and learning-focussed tasks. 27
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