Page 70 - LVGL Summer 2017
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[  LEISURE                  ]

                                                                                                                                                                                                                GOLF &


                                                                                                                                                                                                       Packages Available

                 Don’t Miss the                                                                                                  Party of the Year!

                           The Audi Henderson Lake Las Vegas Classic in October

                                                   STORY BY  HEIDI CHACKEL
              ave the date and mark your calen-                                  Leukemia and Lymphoma Society.                  new friends. The round of golf at Reflection Bay Golf Club—an award   joined by over 1,500 other guests at The Feast on Saturday evening,
              dars for the finest golf and culinary                                The event kicks off Thursday night at Top-    winning Jack Nicklaus course—starts off right with a continental break-  also at Reflection Bay Golf Club. Starting at 5 p.m., guests will enter a
              event and party of the year: the Audi                              golf Las Vegas on the famed Las Vegas Strip.    fast for morning golfers and a barbecue lunch between rounds for all   culinary and beverage paradise. Your one-time ticket price allows you
        SHenderson Lake Las Vegas Classic                                        All registered golfers and their guests, in     golfers. Event format is a shamble with gross and net scoring, closest to   to sample a variety of amazing food prepared by chefs from up to 17 of
        on Oct. 26, 27, and 28, 2017 at Reflection Bay                           addition to sponsors, are invited to a VIP kick   the pin and long drive competitions, a skins game, and various contests   the valley’s finest restaurants. It won’t take long to understand why the
        Golf Club. This inaugural event is founded                               off party beginning at 5:30 p.m. Once golfers   on tee boxes with prizes awarded. To register, visit www.lakelasvegas-  event is called The Feast. The servings are small plates, which means
        and operated by Las Vegas Golf & Leisure                                 check in and receive their gift bags, there are                                         you can go back as many times as you wish. As you sample, be sure
        Magazine.                                                                some free sessions at Topgolf to enjoy as well    And for those of you who decide to enjoy golf, don’t miss the VIP   and note your favorites and visit those establishments later. In addition
          The Audi Henderson Lake Las Vegas Clas-                                as take in complimentary appetizers and bev-    party at Topgolf Las Vegas Thursday night October 26. Kick off the   to the chefs, The Feast features over 10 wineries, multiple bars, and a
        sic is all about giving back to the community.                           erages as we kick off the weekend’s festivities.   weekend with appetizers and beverages while enjoying one of 12 Top-  beer garden with the finest brews on tap thanks to Southern Glazer’s
        The non-profit event will donate 100 percent                               For the Friday golf event, put a foursome     golf hitting bays that we will have reserved.          Wine and Spirits. The all-inclusive tickets will start with the early bird
        of its net funds raised to local charities in                            together to challenge up to 60 other teams in     Since this is a two-part event with a golf tournament and a culinary   price of $100 per person through September and can be purchased at
        Las Vegas and Henderson, including Keep                                  the morning or afternoon shotgun, or enter      feast, you do not have to play golf on Friday in order to attend the
        Memory Alive and the Southern Nevada                                     as an individual and get paired up with some    culinary feast on Saturday night. Those enjoying golf on Friday will be

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