Page 75 - LVGL Summer 2017
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charities this year,” says Jones. “We’re honored to be involved with this Select Wealth Advisers is dedicated to offering the highest standard in
unique Las Vegas event.” wealth management and has joined the event as the Golf Cart Sponsor.
Tens of thousands of people from all over the world visit Hender- “We are proud to be part of the inaugural Lake Las Vegas Classic and
son annually. Its close proximity to the Las Vegas Strip and McCarran we look forward to the new relationships that are formed from such a HENDERSON CONVENTION CENTER & EVENTS PLAZA
International Airport make it an appealing location for both leisure great event,” says President and Co-Founder Mitchell Horst.
and business travelers. Many guests, however, choose the destination Put Oct. 26 and 28 on your calendar and check out the event website
because it offers the best of both worlds: luxury resorts, upscale dining, for details, The site includes pictures of
shopping, and amenities combined with the small town hospitality the Ghost Tree Invitational in Oregon, allowing a hint at what’s in store
residents and guests have come to expect and enjoy. “We are excited for for Las Vegas. Afterward, get ready to party.
the opportunity to be a part of the Lake Las Vegas Classic,” says Barbra
Coffee, Director of Economic Development & Tourism for the City
of Henderson. “The golf tournament is a chance for us to showcase
the destination to an audience that may not be familiar with Nevada’s
second-largest city.”
Las Vegas has treated us to one of the most amazing four-story golf
facilities in the world. Sitting on eight acres just behind MGM Grand
Hotel & Casino, Topgolf Las Vegas is an exceptional entertainment
venue boasting 108 climate-controlled hitting bays, two pools, cabanas,
a concert venue, VIP suites, five bars, special event spaces, a comfort
food-inspired menu with creative beverage offerings, a Callaway Fitting
Studio, a Topgolf retail shop, and more. Spanning four levels and
105,000 square feet, the Topgolf flagship location in Las Vegas stands as
the biggest Topgolf venue to date. SAVE
As a presenting sponsor, Southern Glazer’s Wine & Spirits is sup- EVENT
porting the event and sharing their knowledge of spirits and wine. The THE SCHEDULE
company feels it is their corporate social responsibility to give to char- DATES
ities and volunteering with outreach programs, promoting responsible THE FEAST
consumption, and maintaining sustainable environmental practices. On Saturday October 28, at
Come join us as they fulfill this goal and serve amazing beverages. Reflection Bay Golf Club, The Feast begins
Beasley Broadcast Group has joined as a presenting sponsor and is CONVENTION SPACES | OUTDOOR EVENTS & FESTIVALS | MINUTES FROM THE LAS VEGAS STRIP
doing wonders in spreading the word about this inaugural event. With 5 p.m. Gates Open & Silent Auction/Dinner Service Begins
five radio stations covering talk, classic hits, rhythmic ac, hot adult
contemporary, and country they truly hit the whole market. All station 6:30 p.m. Golf Awards and Announcements
are live and local in the Las Vegas area, and strive to give back to the
community through fundraising, awareness campaigns, and other 7 p.m. Precious Byrd takes the stage
charitable contributions that support the common good.
Smart Solutions designs, develops, and markets business websites 8:30 p.m. Silent Auction Ends
in the U.S. Living and working in Bend, Oregon, they started in 1996.
They have published over a thousand websites and web applications 9 p.m. Pickup for Auction Items Begins
for hundreds of companies in a variety of industries. “We are proud to
be part of the Lake Las Vegas Classic in 2017,” says Director of Client 9:30 p.m. Alcohol Service Ends
Services Doug Simmons. “This event provides us with an incredible ONE LOCATION, MANY OPTIONS
opportunity to contribute to children’s charities through a weekend of 10:30 p.m. Event Ends (Approximate)
golf and culinary cuisine.”
If you’re thinking about buying or selling a home in the Las Vegas/ LAKE LAS VEGAS CLASSIC
Henderson area, The Robert Little Group of Remax Advantage’s solid Held at Reflection Bay Golf Club at Lake Las Vegas
reputation of integrity and customer satisfaction is the place to go, as
they have helped hundreds of families buy or sell their home. They are Thursday Friday Saturday
one of the top real estate teams in Southern Nevada, specializing in October 26, 2017 October 27, 2017 October 28, 2017
golf course and luxury communities, new construction, and re-sales. VIP Launch Party at Golf Tournament The Culinary Feast
“When we were approached to participate in the 2017 Audi Lake Las Topgolf Las Vegas
Vegas Classic, we jumped at the opportunity for a great event that helps SCHEDULE YOUR SPACE NOW!
raise money for charities here in Southern Nevada,” says Robert Little
regarding his involvement in the event as the Wine & Spirits Sponsor. For golf registration and dinner tickets visit: EASY FLIGHTS | HOTELS | SHUTTLES | RESTAURANTS | WEDDINGS | CATERING & SCHEDULING SERVICES
As one of the Las Vegas Valley’s premiere boutique investment firms, or call 702-802-9776 | | (702) 267-2114