Page 73 - LVGL Summer 2017
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 Participating restaurants include the following:  Audi Henderson has taken the lead as title sponsor; it also is part of
 LAVO  •  TAO  •  Capital Grille  •  Roy’s  •  Zenshin  •  Carnevino  •    the Findlay Automotive Group, which has been serving the Las Vegas
 DJT Restaurant  •  Shake Shack  •  Texas de Brazil  •  Beauty & Essex  •    valley for over 50 years and earned the prestigious Magna Society Elite
 Reflection Bay  •  Ferraro’s Italian Restaurant  •  Hash Hash A Go Go  •    award for five consecutive years from 2009 through 2014. The dealer-
 Oscar’s  •  Reflection Bay  ship’s attention to their customers and brand is unparalleled and they
 are happy to continue to give back to the community through their
 ENTERT AINMENT  involvement in this amazing event.                                                 ALL PAID
 The night is about having a great time, celebrating culinary great-  Las Vegas Golf & Leisure Magazine, first published in 2012, has   ROUNDS  GET A
 ness, and partying with your friends and family. Throughout the dinner   become one of the regions’ leading lifestyle magazines, showcasing Las   $10 CREDIT
 you will enjoy Cirque type acts as they perform throughout the dinner   Vegas golf, local restaurants, wineries, recreational opportunities, home   FOR FOOD &
 and LED acts into the evening. Later in the evening get ready to move   fashion trends, individuals who make a difference, medical advances,   BEVERAGES AT
 as Grammy Award winning artist Lonnie Chapin and his band Pre-  and more. Owners Ryan and Heidi Chackel want to give back to the
 cious Byrd present the evening’s entertainment. Their sets include all   community they feature and promote, and the Lake Las Vegas Classic is
 your favorite classic dance hits, old standards, current hits, covers, and   a way to achieve that goal.
 originals—something for every age group and music taste, all played to   Since 1995, Chip-N-Dale’s Landscaping has strived for excellence
 entertain, satisfy, and lure you to the dance floor.  in residential outdoor spaces throughout Las Vegas and Henderson,
 continuing to expand their portfolio and their experience. While
 THE CHARITIES  lawns and hedges are a given in landscaping options, Chip-N-Dale’s
 The evening is guaranteed to be one of exhilarating fun, but fun with   Landscaping also offers a variety of outdoor living and entertainment
 a purpose. The Audi Henderson Lake Las Vegas Classic donates 100   amenities such as masonry, water and fire features, dramatic low-volt-
 percent of its net funds to local charities, so every dollar raised stays in   age lighting elements, and outdoor culinary spaces. “To be involved in
 the local community. Up to three charities will be selected as beneficia-  this event is a way for us to continue serving our community and the
 ries from this year’s event. Currently the following have been selected:  resources it provides to all of us,” says owner Greg Struhl.
 As part of their ongoing commitment to Give Gratitude, Trump
 Keep Memory Alive  International Hotel Las Vegas and Trump International Realty Las
 A full 100 percent of donations to Keep Memory Alive support   Vegas are pleased to participate in The Lake Las Vegas Classic. Giving
 Cleveland Clinic Lou Ruvo Center for Brain Health, which provides   back is a vital part of the organizational culture, and is demonstrated in
 care to patients with memory and movement disorders. In Las Vegas,   continual activities such as donating to and participating in events to   AWAKEN YOUR PLAY
 the Lou Ruvo Center for Brain Health treats patients with Alzheimer’s,   assist the MS Foundation and supporting St. Jude Children’s Research
 Huntington’s, and Parkinson’s disease, as well as frontotemporal de-  Hospital via the Eric Trump Foundation. Locally, the company also
 mentia and multiple sclerosis.  provides and delivers holiday dinners for families in need, as well as St.
 Jude’s Ranch for Children, a local home and resource for abused and     e Club at Sunrise was given a new beginning by being completely
 Leukemia & Lymphoma Society of Southern Nevada  at-risk children, young adults, and families. Adding to those efforts,   renovated  in 2016. Just minutes from the Las Vegas Strip, o ers
 The mission of The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (LLS) is to cure   the Trump Team is happy to be a part of this event, and excited for this
 leukemia, lymphoma, Hodgkin’s disease, and myeloma, as well as im-  opportunity to give back to the community.  players of all levels a picturesque gol ng experience.
 prove the quality of life of patients and their families. They are the voice   Led by Las Vegas natives, Blue Heron Design Build is proud to
 for all blood cancer patients, working to ensure access to treatments.  sponsor this inaugural Las Vegas event. Founded in 2004, Blue Heron   18 HOLES  |  PAR 72  |  6,503 YARDS  |  DRIVING RANGE  | EVENT LAWN  |  CLUBHOUSE
 is a design/build firm specializing in custom homes and boutique
 SPONSORS  communities in Southern Nevada. It is a leader in implementing ener-
 An event of this magnitude would not be possible without the help   gy efficient technology and ultimate green building methods in all its
 and support of the community. Many individuals and businesses have   homes. Co-owner and founder Tyler Jones is looking forward to giving
 come forward as sponsors in order to make the Lake Las Vegas Classic   back to the community that his family has called home for generations.
 happen, offering financial support, planning aid, and hands-on assis-  “We are happy that the Lake Las Vegas Classic is supporting local
 $100 per person

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                                            5483 Clubhouse Dr, Las Vegas, NV 89142
                                    www.  |  702-207-7501

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