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MindTravel Momentswww.i-am-magazine.com27By Ilse RuijgrokPersonal growth is often depicted as a serious,introspective journey filled with self-reflectionand deep contemplation. Not my cup of tea. Ialways approach it as a wonderful adventurewith a touch of lightness, a dash of humor, anda sprinkle of magic! This helps my clients tomake it much lighter and easier to flow throughthe so-called struggles of life we all have to face.It makes it a lot easier to accept the phase youare going through. It becomes a powerful ally,and when coupled with a sense of playfulness, itcan transform the journey into a joyous dance ofself-discovery.Don%u2019t we all need a little magic in our lives?What if I told you that acceptance is the magicalelixir that opens the door to personal growth? Itis the key that unlocks our potential and allowsus to embrace the ever-changing nature of life.Picture it as a gentle breeze that carries awaythe weight of judgment and expectation, leavingbehind a landscape of endless possibilities. It ismy absolute belief that there is always morepossible than not.When I guide my clients through their processthey reach that point of frustration, thinkingthat it will never change, and by doing that theysabotage the process and slow it down.To embark on this journey, acceptance isacknowledgment of the facts of a situation, andthen deciding what you're going to do about it.We always have a choice! With this mindset, youwill begin to see acceptance not as a resignation