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                                    www.i-am-magazine.com29without your critical mind getting in the way. Youcan break old habits, and release trauma, and byreleasing the old you make room for the new toenter your mind! Life changing.Hypnosis is the highway to happiness! Of course,you can try to practice self-hypnosis, but I adviseyou to consider incorporating mindfulnesspractices into your routine %u2013 meditation,journaling, or even a daily gratitude ritual. Theseacts are like spells that connect you to thepresent moment, allowing you to tap into themagic of self-discovery. As you peel back thelayers, you may find hidden talents, passions,and strengths that are waiting to be unearthed.If you want to go for the highway to happinesson the fast lane, go to a well-trainedhypnotherapist to guide you through yourprocess.Whatever it is that you decide to do, do it foryou! And go do what makes you happy, that isthe meaning of life.Remember that in the enchanting journey ofpersonal growth, acceptance, lightness, humor,and self-discovery become the guiding stars.Embrace the dance with open arms, allowing themagic of transformation to unfold. As you twirlthrough the challenges and triumphs, rememberthat the key to personal growth is not found inseriousness and solemnity but in the joyouscelebration of your unique journey. So, dance on,embrace the magic, and let the symphony of selfdiscovery play on with laughter as your rhythmand acceptance as your melody.Love & happinessIlseIlse Ruijgrokfounder of Finti MindtravelHypnotherapist &High Energy Worker\ndtravel\remember and reconnect with whoyou are underneath the layers ofconditioning so that you can take fullownership over your life
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