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www.i-am-magazine.com28to fate, but as a conscious choice to engagewith life on our terms.Without friction, no shine! Imagine personalgrowth as a playful dance with the universe,where each step is a chance to learn, adapt,and evolve. Instead of carrying the burden ofself-imposed expectations, let's embrace thelightness of being. Take a moment to laugh atlife's absurdities, find humor in the challenges,and see setbacks as plot twists in your grandstory.Author Kurt Vonnegut once said, \tears are both responses to frustration andexhaustion. I prefer to laugh since there is lesscleaning up to do afterward.\powerful tool to navigate the twists and turnsof personal growth. It allows us to viewchallenges not as insurmountable obstacles butas opportunities for growth and transformation.Laughter is like an internal massage, it releasestension and therefore makes you lighter.In the dance of personal growth, self-discoveryis the graceful movement that propels usforward. As we twirl through the steps ofacceptance and lightness, we begin to uncoverthe layers of our true selves. This selfawareness is the alchemy that turns themundane into the magical.We, humans, tend to live in the past, alwaysreflecting on past situations, seekingconfirmation, and copying/pasting this into ourfuture. I see this daily happening in the lives ofmy clients and many others. We do not do thison purpose, it is a subconscious program tokeep us safe, in a strange way. I think you agreewith me on that. It is such a waste of timebecause we don%u2019t live in the past. That is behindus for a reason. Every day, you have the choice toaccept where you are and embrace the past withall of its lessons. No regrets!For our subconscious mind, there is only the now,it doesn%u2019t work with the concept of time andframeworks. Now is where the magic happens!Train yourself to accept where you are in life,decide what you want for your future, and createit from within! Write it down, writing is inviting,make drawings, make vision boards. Close youreyes and step into the wonderful feeling of highfrequencies that you created by visualizing thefuture of your dreams. You are the creator of yourlife.Your mind is so powerful, it is mind-blowing! %ud83d%ude09That is why hypnosis is such a wonderful tool towork with because it gives access to thesubconscious mind. Your brain frequencies are ina lower state, the alpha (7-12hz), theta (4-7hz), orDelta (0,5-4hz) which makes it possible to bypassyour critical mind as it is only active on a higherfrequency. In a lower brain frequency, you areopen and ready to receive positive suggestions