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www.i-am-magazine.com10Before I arrived at this juncture in my life, I hadmy own journey to travel and experiences toshape me. Every challenge, setback, and victoryhas played a role in refining my faith andstrengthening my resolve. I learned on thisjourney that faith is not just about believing; it isabout taking action, stepping out in obedience,and trusting God completely even when the pathis unclear. Through it all, I found out that%u2026This is Who I AM:I AM More Than an OvercomerBorn in Mississippi in the 1960s, I grew up inhumble beginnings. My childhood home, sharedwith my single mother and grandmother, had norunning water. Life was challenging, yet it wasfilled with love and faith. When I was just threeyears old, my mother was told by doctors that acondition I had would have taken my life in amatter of days had she not sought a specialist.As I grew older, life shifted drastically. Mymother married my stepfather, and we built alarge home with a swimming pool and hadmultiple vehicles. However, despite the materialcomforts, our home was void of love. Mystepfather became abusive, and life once againbecame a battle. But through it all, God watchedover my mother, my little brother, and me. Ieventually left home, determined to carve out afuture of my own, first in college and then in themilitary.I AM A WarriorI proudly served in the U.S. Army, where I wasthrust into the realities of war at a young age. Iearned a combat patch during Operation JustCause in Panama, a mission that led to thecapture of Manuel Noriega. I found myselftraveling in non-covered military vehiclesthrough dangerous terrain, with snipers hiding inthe mountains near Balboa, Panama. Fear wasever-present, but my duty to protect and defendwas stronger. It was during this time that Ilearned fortitude, discipline, and the power ofstanding firm in faith. These qualities would latershape the foundation of my entrepreneurialjourney.I AM A Visionary2 Corinthians 4:8, %u201cThough we experience everykind of pressure, we are not crushed. At times,we don't know what to do, but quitting is not anoption,%u201d- (The Passion Translation)After my military service, I married an activeduty soldier, and we built a family and becamethe proud parents of four incredible sons%u2014Azaius, Lawrence III, Nathan, and Jacoby. Whilenavigating motherhood, I also pursued my