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                                    www.i-am-magazine.com11entrepreneurial dreams. Life threw its share ofchallenges my way, and after 17 years ofmarriage, I found myself a single mother. Butgiving up was never an option.I worked multiple jobs while holding onto myvision of entrepreneurship and writing.Determined to create a better life for myself andmy sons, I pursued and obtained my master%u2019sdegree. That was a turning point. I took a boldleap of faith, leaving behind the security of atraditional job to fully embrace my purpose%u2014helping others achieve their business andwriting goals. From launching businesses topublishing books, I committed myself to guidingothers in turning their visions into reality.I AM a Kingdom BuilderFor over four years, I have been living out mycalling as a full-time entrepreneur. My mission isclear: To give a voice to visions and a mouth tomissions. By doing so, I empower entrepreneurs,authors, and visionaries by equipping them withthe tools and strategies needed to expand theirinfluence and build sustainable success.As the Executive TV Producer of You Make ADifference TV on the Zondra TV Network, I workwith a dynamic team that helps individuals andbrands expand their reach through digitalmedia, streaming TV, podcasts, and mobileapps. My goal is to provide a platform thatamplifies messages of transformation, impact,and purpose on a global scale.As a best-selling author, I guide others insharing their stories, whether through personalmemoirs, technical writing, or academic works.There is power in storytelling, and I ampassionate about helping individuals bring their
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