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www.i-am-magazine.com12words to life.As a business coach and consultant, I supportboth for-profit and nonprofit organizations inestablishing strong foundations, securingfunding, and achieving their goals. My expertisein grants and business development has allowedme to help countless entrepreneurs fulfill theirvisions and sustain their businesses.I AM Faith-Filled%u201cNow as you abound and excel and are at thefront in everything%u2014in faith, in expressingyourselves, in knowledge, in all zeal, and in yourlove for us%u2014[see to it that you come to the frontnow and] abound and excel in this graciouswork [of giving] also, (2 Co 8:7, AmplifiedClassic).%u201dThrough every season of my life, faith has beenmy anchor. My journey%u2014from childhoodstruggles to military service, from singlemotherhood to entrepreneurship%u2014has beenshaped by an unshakable trust in God. My life isa Faith Walk that aligns who I am with who Godcreated me to be.This alignment fuels my passion to serve others,empower visionaries, and build a legacy ofimpact. So, as I have embraced my new place inthis Faith Walk Journey, I also had to embracebeing in front; Allowing others inside, andallowing who I was created to be%u2014BE SEEN! Inever had the desire to %u201cstick out%u201d or %u201cbe in thespotlight%u201d, but who I AM has pulled me from theback to the front! It can be uncomfortable, butnecessary. And now that my life is a %u201cLivingTestimony%u201d, my faith and my love for othershave grown, and I can now express myself andhelp others to do the same. This has becomemy %u201cgracious work%u201d and in it, I excel andabound through my faith.A Faith Walk Journey for YOU to Excel!Your journey may have some similarities tomine, or perhaps not. No matter yourbackground or journey, the road to excellingin life requires intentional steps of faith,perseverance, and growth. While each path isunique, these three key principles can helpguide you toward success in both yourpersonal and professional life.1. Develop a Faith-Filled MindsetYour thoughts shape your actions, and youractions shape your reality. Success beginswith renewing your mind and aligning yourthoughts with faith, purpose, and vision.2. Walk Boldly in Your PurposeKnowing your why is essential. What are youcalled to do? What fuels your passion?Walking in purpose means:Identifying your gifts and talents.Taking action, even when you don%u2019t haveall the answers.Trusting the process.