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                                    www.i-am-magazine.com24your own. Being honest with yourself andothers about any negative feelings feels toovulnerable, so you%u2019ll struggle to connectauthentically. People will learn to distrust whatyou say because they know that under thesurface, you feel differently.2. The Perfectionist/Stickler: Sky-highstandards and a belief that everything must bedone flawlessly. Delegating feels out of thequestion for fear of admitting weakness or abelief that nobody can do the job as well asyou. The Stickler spends hours perfecting minordetails, causing deadlines to be missed or workto bleed well into personal time. This voicedrives overcommitment and overwhelm.Why the Stickler doesn%u2019t set boundaries:Boundaries that limit the amount of time youspend on perfecting details feel like loweringyour impossibly high standards, which is simplyunacceptable.Stickler%u2019s impact on Time & Self-Care: You%u2019llspend hours on perfecting details that are nottruly important, leading to exhaustion and littleenergy to practice self-care. The Stickler holdsyou to high standards for everything ratherthan the details that truly matter, which meansinside you always feel like you%u2019re falling short,and then the cycle continues.Stickler%u2019s impact on Relationships: Your highstandards make others feel like they%u2019ll nevermeasure up, so they either withdraw orscramble to please you, only to be met withcriticism. The Stickler also believes that nobodycares the way you do, which erodes trust andcreates a divide in relationships.3. The Hyper-Achiever:You chase the next goal with relentless drive,but never truly pause to enjoy the journey orcelebrate your victories. As soon as you reachone goal, you immediately focus on what%u2019s next.You expect things to take less time than theyoften do, and get easily frustrated when thepeople around you can%u2019t keep up with you. Yourworth is determined by what you'veaccomplished.Why the Hyper-Achiever doesn%u2019t set goodboundaries: The Hyper-Achiever considersboundaries a limitation, which is like poison.You worry about becoming complacent, so yourefuse to say no to the next project or slowdown your timeline.Hyper Acheiver%u2019s impact on Time & SelfCare: Under the guise of growth, you say yes tothe next course, project, promotion, orchallenge without truly pausing to make sureit's a good thing to commit to. Once youcommit, you expect to get results quickly%u2013when you don%u2019t it feels like a personal failure.You don%u2019t enjoy the journey because you%u2019re sofocused on the end goal, which means yourtime feels unsatisfactoryHyper Acheiver%u2019s impact on Relationships:You expect others to move at the same paceyou do, so are disappointed when they don%u2019t.This leads them to feel like they%u2019re not good
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