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                                    Kelly Abandaenough and drives a wedge in authenticconnection. Your discomfort with slowing downalso means you%u2019re often not fully present withthe important people in your life & they may feellike you don%u2019t truly care about what they have tosay.Why Now Is The Time To Reclaim Control.You possess untapped potential for leading afulfilling life, a life where success and peace coexist. Setting and sticking to boundaries is thefirst step in the process of breaking free. To dothat, you need to better understand thesaboteur voices that keep you from havinghealthy boundaries now.Take the next step: Understand YourSaboteurs and Their Impact.Discover which of the ten Saboteurs arerunning YOUR show and gain the tools to quietthem. I invite you to take a free SaboteurAssessment. Discovering your unique Saboteursis the building block to building your boundary\muscles\ take the Saboteur Assessment +call with me to unpack your results. I%u2019ll help youstart reclaiming your time, relationships, andyour well-being! Together, we%u2019ll get healthyboundaries in place so that you can truly GLOWthis year!www.i-am-magazine.com25Get access to a complementaryonline assessment that will helpname your top Saboteur voicesSILENCE YOUR INNER CRITIC?ARE YOU READY TOThen, on our call, I'll help youunpack your results and discusspersonalized ways you canempower your Sage inner voiceto step up and your Judge tostep back!
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