Page 33 - Demo
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EQUIPPED WITH AN MP3 PLAYER, PSIO IS APAIR OF GLASSES THAT COMBINES MUSICOR RELAXATION BY VOICE WITH LIGHTSTIMULATION.FOR MORE INFORMATION, GO TO OURSTORE FOLLOWING THIS LINK AND USE IDDIAMONDS, CHOOSE YOUR COUNTRY ANDLANGUAGE.& CHECK THE OTHER LINKS TOO!!Diamonds StorePress ReleaseVideo-LullaBusiness VideoPsio MagazineMP3-CatalogueI WANT TO TRY !The PSiO technology is designed to enhancewell-being by using specialized light and soundsessions that help manage energy, stress, andsleep:Wake Up Refreshed: Morning sessionsuse positive visualization and light to boostmood and alertness, setting a productivetone for the day.Boost Energy with Quick Naps: Afternoonpower nap programs combine music withpulsed light, making brief rest breaks highlyeffective for recharging energy and focus.Naturally Relax and Improve Sleep:Evening sessions help quiet the mind withsoothing voices and pulsed colors, reducingstress and easing you into restful sleep%u2014anatural alternative to sleep aids.Whether you%u2019re managing stress, fighting winterblues, or seeking a better night%u2019s sleep, PSiOadapts to your needs and supports optimalmental and physical well-being.PSIO - THE NEW YOGA FOR YOUR MINDDO YOU EXPERIENCE ANY OF THESEPROBLEMS?Sleep DisorderChronic Fatigue & Seasonal Affective Disorder(SAD)Shift work & Intellectual StrainedAre you permanently tired or even sometimesdepressed?