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                                    36www.i-am-magazine.comPhoto Credits @jovi11photographyBy Jennifer ThompsonEEEMMMPPPOOOWWWEEERRREEEDDD WWWOOOMMMEEENNNPicture this: I%u2019m at a networking event, trying tolook all professional in my cute blazer (the one Iknow makes me look like I totally have ittogether). But inside, I%u2019m doing mentalgymnastics, questioning if I%u2019m saying the rightthings, if my business card is impressiveenough, and whether I%u2019m going to accidentallyspill coffee on myself while shaking hands(because we%u2019ve all been there).Enter Anita, the self-proclaimed queen ofnetworking. She walks in, all confidence, grace,and a level of poise that%u2019s borderlinesupernatural. She introduces herself toeveryone, and suddenly, there%u2019s this electric vibein the room. But here%u2019s the twist%u2014she doesn%u2019tjust talk about herself. She introduces people toeach other. She asks questions, listens intently,and then says the magic words: \collaborate.\I%u2019m sitting there, slightly overwhelmed, butwatching in awe as Anita works her networkingmagic. Instead of just focusing on herself andher own success, she is pulling others up withher. At that moment, I realized something: this isempowerment at its finest. Empowered womendon%u2019t just shine on their own%u2014they make roomfor others to shine with them. And that%u2019s exactlywhat Anita did that day.The Power of Support and EncouragementNow, let's be honest%u2014how many times have youwalked into a room feeling like you don%u2019t belongor worried you%u2019re the only one who didn%u2019t get thememo on \We've all been there. That feeling of being\excluded\can be so paralyzing. But here's the thing: noone becomes great by keeping their light to
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