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                                    40www.i-am-magazine.comBy Teresa GrecoInner Radiance:The Key toLasting JoyInner Radiance:The Key toLasting JoyThere is a light within each of us, a spark of divinitythat yearns to be nurtured and expressed. Bytapping into the inner radiance of our spiritual self,we find greater personal fulfillment and profoundlyimpact those around us. This light is the energy oflove, emanating from us and extending intoeverything we do. Embracing our authentic selves,cultivating mindfulness, and engaging in practicesthat nourish our spirits can all contribute to abrighter, more joyful existence for us and everyonearound us.The Power of Self-LoveOne key to unlocking this inner light is to cultivatea deep sense of self-acceptance and self-love.Loving ourselves becomes easy when we spendtime connecting with our spiritual selves. This partof us is unconditional love, and through practiceslike meditation, journaling, and prayer, we caneasily connect with this love. Our love helps usembrace our unique strengths, talents, and quirkswith compassion and appreciation, and we openthe door to genuine personal transformation.As Shakti Gawain explains in Living in the Light,true growth comes from recognizing that we aredynamic, ever-evolving beings with limitlesspotential. Similarly, Carol Dweck%u2019s work on mindsetshows that our beliefs about our own abilities playa huge role in shaping our success and happiness.If we see ourselves as capable of growth andchange, we create more opportunities to thrive.Positive psychology also encourages us to focus onour strengths rather than our weaknesses.Research shows that when we identify and use ournatural talents, we feel more confident, purposeful,and fulfilled %u2014 allowing our inner light to shine evenbrighter and inspire others to do the same.
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