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Jennifer ThompsonCo-Founder y Editor in ChiefI Am. MagazineI am a curator of stories%u2014an inconsolableoptimist, dedicated, dependable, andendlessly creative. With a sharp wit and alove for empowerment, I blend humor,sarcasm, and purpose to uplift othersthrough storytelling.39www.i-am-magazine.comRemember the next time you have thechance to empower someone, it%u2019s not justabout them%u2014it%u2019s about you too. Your lightdoesn%u2019t dim when you share it; it onlygrows. So, what small act ofempowerment can you do today? Maybeit%u2019s sending that text, recommending acolleague, or simply saying, %u201cYou%u2019ve gotthis!%u201dLet%u2019s create some serious ripples, ladies.Together, we can move mountains.Jennifer ThompsonBack to AnitaSo, going back to that networking eventwith Anita%u2014the moment she introducedme to someone who would later become akey collaborator in my business, I realizedsomething. Women empowering womenisn%u2019t just a nice concept; it%u2019s a necessity.The world is full of opportunities, andwhen we lift each other up, we make surethose opportunities are available foreveryone.The empowerment Anita displayed thatday wasn%u2019t just a one-time thing%u2014it was away of life for her. She truly believes thatthere%u2019s no limit to success when we bringothers along for the ride.And that's the message I want to leaveyou with today: Empowered womendon%u2019t just build themselves up. Theycreate legacies of success by lifting thosearound them. The more we support oneanother, the more we all rise.