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38www.i-am-magazine.comlight up%u2014except, the best part is, you%u2019re bothwinners. It%u2019s a win-win situation, and whodoesn%u2019t love that?The Ripple Effect of EmpowermentLet me paint a picture for you: Think ofempowerment as throwing a stone into a calmlake. At first, it seems like a small action%u2014just alittle pebble. But then, the ripples start. Theyspread outward, touching everything in theirpath, and suddenly, that single act ofempowerment has made waves.Now imagine if every woman took a moment toempower another woman. That%u2019s an entire lakefull of ripples. It's a movement%u2014a movementthat shifts communities, transforms businesses,and creates a ripple effect of success andconfidence.Think about all the women who have helpedshape your journey. They may not even knowthe extent of their impact. From mentors tocolleagues, from family to friends, each personwho gave you a little push, a word ofencouragement, or a moment of inspiration hasplayed a part in helping you get where you aretoday. It%u2019s humbling, really. And when werecognize this, we realize that empowerment isn%u2019tjust a nice concept%u2014it%u2019s a practice. It%u2019s somethingthat we have to actively engage with every singleday.One of my favorite things to do is think about allthe women who%u2019ve impacted my life. Some wereformal mentors, but others were just women inmy orbit who, with a simple comment or a smallaction, gave me a push when I needed it most.That is empowerment in action.And as a result, I now feel a deep responsibilityto pass that empowerment forward. It's like thisendless cycle of support and love that we cankeep going. You pay it forward, and thensomeone else pays it forward, and before youknow it, the entire world is glowing.