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                                    37www.i-am-magazine.comthemselves. Empowerment is not abouthoarding success or basking in the glow of ourown accomplishments; it%u2019s about lighting theway for others.And what happens when women do that?Magic. Think about it%u2014when a woman shows upin all her glory and uses her power to upliftothers, she doesn%u2019t just make herself memorable.She makes everyone around her feel like they,too, are worthy of success. A little shout-outhere, a mentor session there, and suddenly, thatwoman who%u2019s been flying solo is now part of awhole sisterhood of empowerment. And guesswhat? That makes both of you shine brighter.Imagine the impact of simple encouragement. Acompliment. A \someone's entire day or even their trajectory. Itdoesn%u2019t require hours of your time or a hugecommitment%u2014just a quick message, a kind word,or a gesture of recognition. That%u2019s the kind ofempowerment that spreads. And the beauty ofit? It comes back to you tenfold.Let%u2019s take mentorship as an example. Maybeyou%u2019re thinking, %u201cI don%u2019t have time to mentorsomeone right now.%u201d But mentorship doesn%u2019talways mean a weekly sit-down over coffee. Itcan be as simple as saying, %u201cYou%u2019ve got this!%u201d oroffering a bit of advice that can totally changesomeone%u2019s trajectory. That small act ofencouragement might just be the spark theyneed to take the next step toward their dream.Uplifting Each Other: Small Acts ofEmpowermentHere%u2019s a fun fact for you: sometimesempowerment is just sending a text that says,%u201cHey, I saw what you did, and it was AMAZING.%u201dAnd you know what%u2019s even better? It%u2019s free. Noexpense, no commitment, just pure, unfilteredsupport. I%u2019m talking about the little things%u2014likesharing someone%u2019s post on social media (withoutneeding them to ask you to), leaving anencouraging comment on their latestachievement, or tagging them when you see anopportunity that might fit them perfectly.But empowerment isn%u2019t just about gestures. It%u2019sa mindset. A way of living. And it%u2019s a mindsetthat ripples out and touches more lives than wecan count. Imagine if, every time we had anopportunity, we chose to uplift someone else.What if we made it a habit? Instead of scrollingpast, we pause to give recognition. Instead ofkeeping opportunities to ourselves, we sharethem. These small acts don%u2019t just lift others; theyelevate our own energy. It%u2019s like planting seedsof good vibes, and the universe can%u2019t help butgive us a little extra back in return.It%u2019s these simple acts of kindness andempowerment that help create a communitywhere women don%u2019t just exist%u2014they thrive. Andhere's the kicker: when you empower someoneelse, you actually feel empowered too. It's likegiving a gift and watching the recipient%u2019s face
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