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46www.i-am-magazine.comMove or Age Faster%u2014Your ChoiceLet%u2019s get real for a moment: your body needsmovement%u2014intentional, muscle-buildingmovement. It's not about just going through themotions; it%u2019s about strengthening andempowering your body. I remember when I firststarted strength training%u2014it wasn%u2019t just aboutgetting stronger, it was about feeling more aliveand capable. Lifting weights became my secretweapon, boosting my metabolism, strengtheningmy bones, and keeping me lean and powerful.But strength isn%u2019t just about lifting heavy. It%u2019sabout balance. That%u2019s why I always incorporateflexibility into my routine, like yoga stretches andmobility work, to keep my joints healthy andprevent stiffness. Allow your body to regenerate,not deteriorate.Here%u2019s your action step: Start resistance trainingif you haven%u2019t already, or challenge yourself bygoing heavier with weights. Trust me, your bodywill transform%u2014faster and stronger than youthink.Fix Your Gut, Reverse Your AgeYour gut is often called your second brainbecause it influences everything from digestionto mood and immune function. I know thisfirsthand%u2014when I discovered my wheatintolerance, I struggled with constant gut pain,feeling sluggish, inflamed, and foggy. It wasn%u2019tuntil I addressed my gut health that I started tofeel more energized and vibrant. When your gutis out of balance, it affects your entire body,leading to fatigue, digestive discomfort, andeven skin flare-ups.To support your gut, focus on fermented foodslike sauerkraut, kimchi, and probiotic-richoptions. These foods help rebuild yourmicrobiome, enhance digestion, and reduceinflammation. On the other hand, processedjunk foods only disrupt the balance, causingpremature aging and more discomfort.Here%u2019s your action step: Add one probiotic-richfood to your daily routine. Your gut will heal,your energy will soar, and your skin will glow.Sleep: Your Body%u2019s Built-In Anti-Aging ResetYou can%u2019t out-exercise or out-supplement poorsleep. If you%u2019re constantly running on fumes,your body can%u2019t properly repair, regenerate, orburn fat. Sleep is when your body resets andrejuvenates, so without quality rest, you%u2019ll feelthe effects of faster aging.Create a sleep ritual to signal your body thatit%u2019s time to wind down%u2014power off your screens,dim the lights, and take time to relax beforebed. Aim for 7-9 hours of deep, restful sleepeach night. Anything less leads to elevatedcortisol levels, a slower metabolism, and agreater risk of aging prematurely.