Page 50 - Demo
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WWW.THEJOYCOACH.NLDISCOVER YOURSELFAND BECOMEYOUR BESTVERSIONDISCOVER YOURSELFAND BECOMEYOUR BESTVERSIONI help clients identify the person's identityand values and work towards a betteralignment between their wishes, goals, andpersonal life. I support participants inunderstanding themselves, their reactions,and motivations, and overcoming theirblockages or problems using self-analysis,information, and practical exercises.FIND INNERBALANCEFIND INNERBALANCEThe focus lies in supportingparticipants to increase their resultsbut become respectful to their innerboundaries and health. I worktogether with my clients to reducethe stress and anxiety traditionallyassociated with reaching highergoals.Roselyn ZeinstraI support my clients directly in their journey toa better and enhanced life. We go throughpractical sessions to understand the feelingsand reasons why the client experiencestiredness, a lack of motivation, or anxiety; andwhat are some of the primary goals they wantto achieve in life to feel more fulfilled. We workon setting meaningful life goals. I also help myclients see the underlying elements that areblocking them from taking the right actions toachieve their life goals.With my experience, I support ProfessionalWomen to understand themselves, theirlimitations and challenges to get out of thecomfort zones in order to create a true legacy.It is about becoming responsible for their livesand those who depend on her. The investmentin yourself and your future will always pay off.BOOK APOWER CALLFOR A FREESESSIONBOOK APOWER CALLFOR A FREESESSION