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                                    www.i-am-magazine.com52density of lower vibrations such as fear, anger,and resentment. Glow is the product ofcultivating an inner sanctuary where lightthrives, unimpeded by shadows of self-doubt orsocietal constraints. This is where true powerresides, and history-makers emerge from thisspace.Illuminating vs. Casting ShadowsTo illuminate the world is to live as a beacon ofhope and inspiration. It is to radiate positivity,compassion, and wisdom, creating ripples thatuplift others. Women who illuminate understandthat their light is not diminished by sharing butgrows stronger and brighter as they pour intoothers. These women are catalysts for change,daring to shine in spaces where darkness onceprevailed.Conversely, casting a shadow occurs when weallow fear, envy, or negativity to dominate ourenergy. Shadows are born of disconnection fromour true selves and the divine source of ourlight. They manifest as criticism, judgment, orindifference, stifling growth and progress. Tocast a shadow is to perpetuate the darkness weseek to overcome. Recognizing this distinctionempowers us to choose illumination as adeliberate act of service and love.Honoring Women Who Glowed Before UsWomen's History Month celebrates theluminaries who have lit paths for generations.Figures like Harriet Tubman, who illuminatedthe way to freedom, or Maya Angelou, whosewords ignited the human spirit, remind us of awoman's glow's profound impact on the world.Their lives exemplify higher-dimensional living,marked by resilience, courage, and unwaveringfaith. They did not lower themselves to fit into abroken system; they elevated themselves andothers by standing firmly in Divine Feminineprinciples.Even today, we see women making their marksin history%u2014women who refuse to compromisetheir values or trade authenticity foracceptance. They stand in the truth of theirhigher calling, operating beyond the limitationsof the world's declining standards. Thesewomen reject mediocrity, choose self-mastery,and insist on leading from a place of integrityand divine wisdom.Three Ways to Illuminate and Bring Lightinto the WorldLiving as a beacon of light is a choice, one thatrequires intention, action, and a commitment tohigher principles. Here are three ways womencan cultivate their glow and illuminate theworld:1. Nurture the Inner LightGlow begins within. To illuminate the world,one must first cultivate inner radiance. Thisinvolves practices that align the mind, body,and spirit, such as meditation, mindfulness,and self-reflection. Create a daily ritual of
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