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www.i-am-magazine.com56Strength, Passion,and LegacyStrength, Passion,and LegacyBy Jennifer ThompsonMarch is the month when the world remembers something we%u2019vealways known: women are the true driving force of this planet.Sure, they dedicate March 8th to celebrating InternationalWomen%u2019s Day, but let%u2019s be honest%u2014every single day should be atribute to us. We deserve breakfast in bed, applause, and at thevery least, a sincere %u201cthank you%u201d for juggling work, family, andbeing the most incredible version of ourselves. But since that%u2019s notthe daily reality, we take this month to remind ourselves of justhow powerful we truly are. And in case anyone hasn%u2019t noticed%u2014we%u2019re moving forward, full speed ahead.The Power of the Flip-Flop and the Strength of a WomanEvery woman knows that the flip-flop isn%u2019t just a tool for\sciplining\kids. It%u2019s a symbol of precision, strategy, andauthority. On the home front, great battles are won with a wellaimed flip-flop. If you say otherwise, you%u2019ve probably never beenon the receiving end of one. If you%u2019re a mother, you know exactlywhat I mean: you maintain order amid chaos with a mix ofpatience, love, and an unspoken element of fear. It%u2019s that sameenergy we bring everywhere we go%u2014leading, creating, educating,and even, in moments of crisis, finding what we need in the fridgein under five seconds while the rest of the world stares inconfusion.Every Woman: A Pillar of ChangeLet%u2019s take a closer look at how every woman, in her own space,drives change with her voice, her work, and her ability to enduremore than most can imagine.