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www.i-am-magazine.comBy Emma Peeters60How to Shape a Positive Life NarrativeLife is a series of experiences, some joyful,some challenging, and many that fallsomewhere in between. However, what trulydefines an experience is not just what happens,but how we perceive it. The same event can beseen as uplifting or discouraging, depending onthe mindset of the person going through it.If you want to create more meaningful andfulfilling experiences in your life, you must firstfocus on shifting your perception andunderstanding your own identity. By doing so,you gain the power to transform the way yousee the world and, ultimately, the way you live.Understanding Experiences: More Than JustEventsExperiences are often associated with major lifeevents, falling in love, suffering loss, celebratingachievements, or facing challenges. Butexperiences are more than just events; they arethe combination of what happens and how weprocess those moments emotionally, mentally,and physically.Consider this: Two people can go through thesame situation, yet they may describe theirexperiences in completely different ways. Onemay feel deeply inspired, while the other feelsdefeated. Why? Because perception plays a keyrole in how we experience life.The Role of Perception in Shaping OurExperiencesEvery person experiences life differently, andthis variation comes from numerous internal andexternal influences. What you view as a positiveexperience, someone else might see as anegative one. Several factors determine how youinterpret experiences: