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                                    www.i-am-magazine.com58history. Because when a woman sets her mindto something, there is no barrier that can stopher. And if there is, she%u2019s ready to break itdown.Legacy: What We Leave BehindWe are not here just to \We are here to change the game, to redefinewhat it means to be a woman, to open doorsthat were once closed. Every woman whobreaks a glass ceiling, who raises her childrenwith equality, who supports another woman, orwho dares to follow her passion is leaving alegacy. It doesn%u2019t matter if that legacy is big orsmall%u2014what matters is that, without a doubt, itis changing the world. Because when onewoman empowers herself, she empowers thosewho come after her.We Are the RevolutionSo this March, when someone says, \Women%u2019s Day,\%u201cthank you.%u201d But also remember that this isn%u2019tjust a day for flowers and compliments. It%u2019s areminder that we are still fighting, advancing,and conquering. And if someone dares tounderestimate you or doubt your ability, dowhat every wise woman would do%u2014smile, take adeep breath, and remember that your flip-flopis always within reach, ready to defend yourplace.Because if one thing is certain, it%u2019s that womendon%u2019t just exist%u2014we create, we transform, andabove all, we move forward. And if anyone triesto stop us, they better be ready.It%u2019s time to take control and make some noise!Don%u2019t wait for others to give you permission to
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