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64www.i-am-magazine.com2. Discover YourselfIf you have a negative self-concept, chances areyou don%u2019t know yourself as well as you think. Youare capable of much more than you imagine.Taking the time to discover who you truly are isone of the best ways to improve your selfconcept.There are multiple ways to explore your identity:Keep a journal to note your thoughts,achievements, and emotions.Try new things and step out of your comfortzone.Talk to trusted friends and ask them whatqualities they value in you.Make new friends and surround yourselfwith people who inspire you.Socrates said: %u201cAn unexamined life is not worthliving.%u201d Reflect on yourself and uncover theincredible potential within you.3. Stop Comparing Yourself to OthersWe live in an era where social media makes usfeel like we need to compete with others. It%u2019seasy to see someone%u2019s %u201cperfect%u201d life online andthink we don%u2019t measure up. However, eachperson has their own path, with uniqueadvantages and challenges. Comparing ourselvesto others only robs us of the opportunity tofocus on our own growth.How to avoid comparisons?Remember that what you see on social media isjust a curated glimpse of someone%u2019s life.Focus on your personal progress, not on whatothers are doing.Celebrate your own achievements instead ofmeasuring them against external standards.When you learn to value your own journey, yourself-concept will strengthen, and you will feelmore confident.